In the realms of the spirit, the master key to receive from the spirit is hunger, pure craving and desire. Those who hunger and thirst for righteousness shall be filled. If you want to receive then you must cultivate hunger and desire. God will fill those who truly desire. The Holy Ghost will leave you alone if you are not hungry for Him. It takes hunger and desire to receive of the Holy Ghost.
What then must you desire? Your desire must have an object. You must desire and hunger for a few things: you must desire;
1. The gift of the Holy Ghost:
We need the person of the Holy Ghost. That promise is for us, for our children, and for all those who are both afar off and shall believe. We must have a deep craving for Him. You must desire and wait on Him. We must desire and wait until we receive the gift.
2. The presence of the Holy Ghost:
The psalmist prayed and requested that the Lord would not cast him away from His presence. Every one of us must desire the Holy Ghost and His presence. May the Lord never take his Holy Spirit from you!
3. The baptism of the Holy Ghost:
You must know and desire the baptism and outpouring of the Holy Ghost. We must desire that God would pour the Holy Ghost upon us. This is the baptism of the Holy Ghost that is accompanied by speaking in tongues and prophesying.
4. The infilling of the Holy Ghost:
Every one of us must also desire the infilling of the Holy Ghost. We must pray and desire that God would fill us with the Holy Ghost.
5. The manifestations and demonstrations of the Holy Ghost:
We must pray that we would experience the manifestations and demonstrations of the Spirit. We must pray that we will see again the physical manifestations of the Spirit in our lives.
We must desire and pray that we will experience the mighty rushing wind, cloven tongues of fire, the intoxicating influence of the wine of the Holy Ghost, and even gather impact. May you have the manifestations of the Spirit that the faith of our hearing would be in the God!
6. The revelations of the Spirit:
Let us pray and desire visions and dreams and revelation. Let us pray that we will not miss what Christ is showing us.
7. The gifts of the Holy Ghost:
1 Corinthians 12 teaches about nine gifts but that is not all that there is. The Bible says we must desire the best gifts. We should pray and crave for the spiritual gifts to be impacted to our lives.
8. The fruit of the Holy Ghost:
Galatians 5:22-23 teaches on the fruit of the spirit. Every one of us must bear the fruit of the spirit. This is something we should hunger for.
9. The empowerment of the Holy Ghost:
The Bible teaches that we shall receive power after the Holy Ghost comes upon us. We must desire the empowerment. We must pray that we will recieve the promised power. (See Acts 1:8)
10. The enabling or help of the Holy Ghost:
There is a difference between empowerment and enablement; we must desire and pray that the Holy Ghost would enable us to do spiritual things. We must desire to walk in the Spirit, live in the Spirit, sing in the Spirit, pray in the Spirit, worship in the Spirit, flow with the Spirit, sow in the Spirit, be spiritually minded, etc. We must pray for enabling of the Spirit.
11. The anointing of the Holy Ghost and power:
Acts 10:38 teaches that God anointed Jesus Christ and He went about doing good and healing all that were oppressed by devils. We need the anointing that teaches and graces us to do good.
Stay blessed
Simpe Bediako