[Hebrews 12:15-16 KJV] “Looking diligently lest any man fail of the grace of God; lest any root of bitterness springing up trouble you, and thereby many be defiled; Lest there be any fornicator, or profane person, as Esau, who for one morsel of meat sold his birthright.
The Lord spoke to me that 2020 shall be my year of rest. It is the year that we shall rest in the arms of the Lord and see the deliverance of the Lord. We shall stand still and see the deliverance of the Lord. We shall lie on the bed of feathers and see the hand of the Lord. You shall inscribe upon the doors and windows of your house: “Be Careful! God is at Work“.
As we walk with the Lord and enjoy sweatless victory, there are 3 things we should be careful about if we want to go far: failing from grace, the roots of bitterness that trouble the soul and defile many, and fornication and profanity.
The word warns us to look diligently;
- Lest any man should fall from the grace
- Lest the root of bitterness springing up trouble any of you and thereby defiling many.
- Lest there be any fornicator and profane person among us as Esau.
1. Failing of the Grace of God
lt is very easy for a man to fall from grace because many of us don’t know the value of the grace. Many of us don’t know the value of favour. We therefore treat the grace of God anyhow. The Bible, however, says, let us be careful, lest we fall from the grace of God. Remember, however, that one key thing we need in order to reign in life by Christ is the abundance of grace and the gift of righteousness.
2. Bitterness
The next thing to watch is bitterness. It is very easy for any of us to be bitter. Bitterness is a common thing that we find in the church and among many believers. The root of bitterness is one of the dangerous canker that can wreck families, relationships, marriages, businesses, and even churches. Bitterness is a very dangerous condition that we must try to beat. It is very easy to sit down and brood over the many hurts and disappointments from people you have trusted.
You could be offended by your pastor, by a loved one, or by a co-worker. We all suffer the contradiction of sinners and wicked people, but many of us don’t respond well to such disappointments. Instead of getting angry over unfair treatments and wickedness we could channel our strength differently. Instead of being bitter we could allow God to do His work. Bitterness is certainly very harmful to our growth.
3. Fornication and profanity
The third thing to beware of is fornication and profanity. We must be careful not to treat holy things lightly. For instance, you must forever honour your pastor; don’t ever dishonour him. Many of us, for a moment of brief gratification, would trade holy things for almost nothing. This is like a woman who for a moment of pleasure, rejects a man who is ready to marry and cherish her as his bride forever. Sometimes, we throw holy things under the drain of dishonour for almost something next to nothing.
I pray that you will stay under the covering of grace, having a forgiving spirit, and hold on to holy things in honour. A final word to our pastors is to remember not to treat lightly the honour of being ordained and accepted as our pastor.
Be blessed, I love you!
Noah Simpe Bediako
worthy cautions