I want to speak to you on how to activate the power of God for total restoration. These are the four simple steps to activate the power of God that saves and restores all things: hearing, believing, renewing, and continuing in the truth.
1. Hearing:
The first step to eternal life is hearing. The word of God is the seed and the power of God to save, transform and translate. What you hear and how you hear will determine your direction, your speed and eventually your destiny. Remember that he that anoints and works miracles among us does not do it by the works of the law but by the hearing of faith (See Galatians 3:5). That is why apostle Paul says in Romans 1:16 that, the gospel of our Lord Jesus is the power of God to save.

In 1 Corinthians 1:18, we learn that the preaching of the cross may be foolishness to those who are perishing but to those of us who are being saved, it is the power of God unto salvation. The first step towards change is hearing, you must hear by the word and by faith.
2. Believing:
Believing is your link to life. Faith makes things possible and faith moves God. It is important to know that faith decides, confesses, and acts. The spirit of faith is speaking, faith speaks and acts after a decision. Your faith is important to effect change. Until you are able to believe and decide, you may never experience change.
3. Renew your mind:
Transformation only comes through a renewal of the mind. You must consciously decide to put away childish things and embrace matured things. You must renew your mind if you want to be transformed (See Romans 12:1-3).
4. Continue:
The fourth step to change and transformation is consistency and continuity. You must continue steadfastly to step into success and change (See Acts 2:42-47)
These are the four simple steps to change, restoration, eternal life, and freedom — To hear, believe, renew your mind, and to continue in the faith. You will not miss the way.
Stay blessed! I love you!Kofi Simpe