Matthew 6:13 KJV — “And lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil: For thine is the kingdom, and the power, and the glory, for ever. Amen.“
I have been exploring the subject of the impact of prayer, and I observe that our Lord Jesus Christ taught that you should pray every day of your life that the Father in heaven will deliver you from evil. The prayer that God would lead you not into temptation but deliver you from evil must be a daily prayer.
The Lord is aware that the whole world lies in wickedness (See 1 John 5:18-19). We are living in a very dangerous world. Every one of us must live in this life understanding that reality.
Don’t let the smiles and laughter on people’s faces fool you! Walk with your eyes, heart and mind on God. Many of the smiling faces are the worst culprits of evil against you. The same Portiphar’s wife that wanted to lay with Joseph schemed his imprisonment in order to escape blame. People, lovers, and comrades will throw you to the lions to save their face.
Don’t be fooled by the sweet talk of people, many of the people talking are only manipulating. I have seen manipulation and I know what I am talking about. Just wait till trouble strikes, and see how people switch on you.
The two simple secrets to survive in this dangerous wolf-infested jungle are;
Firstly, be harmless but not stupid. Don’t harm any man but don’t be anyone’s prey. Be as harmless as doves but wise as serpents.
Secondly, lie low and focus on your business. Learn to be quiet and do your business. Some of us are too loud! You don’t know how to conduct our business in the quiet. We make too much noise and that is why we get hurt.
Thirdly, My brother, just pray!
- Pray that the Lord will deliver you from the tongue of the accuser: Listen! An evil tongue can speak just one word of accusations against you and you can never recover from it. May you condemn every tongue that rises against you in accusations! Some of you have never suffered from the tongue of the accuser; and I pray that you will never be there!
- Pray that the Lord shall deliver you from dogs and pigs: These are people who return to their vomit. They will enjoy all the precious things you have to offer, and when they are full and have had enough; they will return to their vomit. They will return to exactly what you were trying to save them from. They will vomit what you fed them with and make it appear like they were fed with vomit. They will trample your pearls under foot and turn to attack you.
- Pray that the Lord will deliver you from dogs, evil workers, and the concision: Pray that God will deliver you from Alexander the Coppersmith (those who withstand your words), Demas (those who desert you because they love the present world), Jannes and Jambres (those who run parallel visions in your space).
- Pray that God will deliver you from greedy comrades! May God deliver you from Judas ( trusted companions who will betray you for 30 pieces of silver because of offense), Delilah (trusted lovers who would betray you because of money), the brethren of Joseph (would sell you because of your dreams and because they can’t keep up with your diligence and excellence)
- Pray that God will deliver you from wicked and unreasonable men! May God deliver you from people who don’t have the faith. May God deliver you from lions and beasts! Pray that God will deliver you from evil!
- Pray that God will deliver you from friendly fire and accidents. You shall not become an accidental sacrifice. You will not be as Jephthah’s daughter! May the Lord exempt you from being an accidental lamb to redeem a pledge or vow! May your soul escape from the snares!
Stay blessed.