Acts 2:42-43 KJV“And they continued stedfastly in the apostles’ doctrine and fellowship, and in breaking of bread, and in prayers. And fear came upon every soul: and many wonders and signs were done by the apostles.”
Having dedicated this quarter to missions and evangelism, I want to exhort you to join me as we go deeper into the basic routines of living by faith.
Life must not be too complex to live. You should be able to keep the basic routines and excel in the walk of faith and godliness.
I want to encourage you to go deeper in reading your Bible, praying, fellowshipping, witnessing, and working every day. These are the basic routines that I have always emphasized and will continue to encourage you to go deeper in if the church will grow.
God desires growth and God wants you to grow as we grow in numbers. There is nothing too difficult to do.
As you read the Bible, you will discover the will of God and what you are in the book. The Bible is like a mirror; it will show who you are and what you were created to be. The Bible is the mirror of God; when you study you discover who God is and what you are becoming.
As you continue in prayer, you receive the fresh inflow and overshadowing presence of God. Prayer releases the power of God for change and increase and impact.
Fellowshipping brings mutual connection and reinforcement. The deeper we learn to fellowship the stronger we will become. We must learn to treat all men as equals. We must understand that a soul is a soul and treat all men with respect and dignity. Our strength as humans come from being our brother’s keeper and the mutual connection that exists between us.
We must strive to witness. Every man has a right to hear the gospel. Every man must hear the good news that Jesus Christ is gone to prepare a place for His church. Everyman must hear that God’s kingdom is at hand. Every man must hear that God is building a kingdom in which dwells righteousness and peace.
Finally, we must continue to give our all to work. You must take your occupation seriously because that is the structure and system by which God channels your supply and increase. We must strive to continue in work and other basic routines of Life.
This is the master key to impact and increase. This is how to work out your salvation with fear and trembling. Just read your Bible, pray, fellowship, witness, and work every day. You will excel and not faint.
Exhort the body of Christ to understand that there is no other way to make it other than these. Many people are getting frustrated because they are looking for thrill but there is no other thing to be done other than these basic routines.
Stay blessed