- Lift up your voice and bless the name of the Lord! He is good and His mercies endures for ever.
- Pray that the Father will draw us close to Himself! Father, let me not stray away from Your love. Cast me not away from Your presence.
- Pray against any attitudinal barriers that is stopping our church from growing and spreading and advancing in the name of Jesus! Father, help us to deal with pride, lust, and disloyalty!
- Pray that the father will help us to succeed in business. Lift up your voice and cry out against any evil pattern that fights anyone of us in the area of our finances. Pray for supply!
- Pray that the Lord will remove any sins and contamination that gives the devil legal ground to afflict any of us. Father, forgive us our trespasses! Father, forgive!
- Pray that the Lord will not lead us into temptation! Pray that God will deliver us from evil! Pray and break out of the shackles of darkness! Pray!