Your pastor does not have dominion over your faith but he has over his space
Your pastor does not have dominion over your faith; unless you submit willingly, you are not governable. You must give your pastor the right to rebuke and correct you. Church is not a prison, you must stay loyal if you stay in the space. Remember, though the pastor has no dominion over your faith, he has the authority to warn and discipline you when you become unruly.
If the devil isolates you; he will mess you up!
If the devil isolate you, he would mess you up. The hungry lion always goes after the weak and isolated antelope. The devil can’t succeed in messing up your life when you stay in fellowship and under subjection.
The anointing you can’t honour cannot bless you.
The elder who labour in the word are worth of double honour. We must know them that bear rule over us and admonish us; and honour them fully. We must learn to honour the anointing we want to be blessed with. You can’t be blessed by an anointing on my life when you disregard my counsel.
Your pastor must be able to both feed and have oversight over you
A pastor who can’t rebuke you, should not feed you. The word of God in your pastor’s mouth must be able to rebuke, exhort, and correct you. If you are too big to be rebuked, you are equally too big to be taught and exhorted. Feeding, taking oversight, and correcting go hand in hand in shepherding.
You are not an island, we are members one of another
People may learn from your unruly behaviour in their innocence. Be careful what you do. There are many people who are not discerning. You are an open letter being read by many.
Stay blessed!