Hebrews 12:1-2 KJV — Wherefore seeing we also are compassed about with so great a cloud of witnesses, let us lay aside every weight, and the sin which doth so easily beset us, and let us run with patience the race that is set before us, [2] looking unto Jesus the author and finisher of our faith; who for the joy that was set before him endured the cross, despising the shame, and is set down at the right hand of the throne of God.
Let us learn to do a little more for God, push ourselves a little, and press on for a higher mark. Whether you like it or not, there are people who are watching what will happen. We are surrounded by a great cloud of witnesses, hence the need to do the needful and push yourself a little. We must be ready to;
- Lay aside every weight: The weight of toxic relationship that is no longer serving our needs nor helping out life goals; the weight of things that steal your peace and make you restless; the weight of friends and network that slander us when, we are not in the room; the weight of things that tries to disconnect us from our source of power. Let us lay aside weights
- The sin that easily besets us: I learn that the pleasures of sin hardens; hence the need to lay aside besetting sins, so that you can run the race of life with patience and certainty!
It is important to exhort you to press on. There is no giving up now. You must do all that there is to be done. This is the time to press on and press in. Eyes are watching; you cannot stop mid-stream; if you do, all who hear shall laugh at you to scorn. The building of this tower must finish. You have what it takes. Trust God and push yourself a little.
Whether you are aware or not, there are people who are watching what you will do, now that your master is taken away from you like Elisha. This is the time to take the mantle of your father and call on the God of your father. Do as Elisha did! Call upon the God of Elijah, and I see the Jordan parting for you!.
Whether you know it or not, there are people who are watching how you will fare, after they manipulated and betrayed you as Delilah betrayed the trust of Samson. Samson told his heart to Delilah because he loved her, and his soul was vexed to death by her nagging. The contrast that surprises me is how Samson was safe in the house of a harlot in Gaza (see Judges 16:1-4) but unsafe in the house of Delilah whom he loved (Judges 16:5-19). Don’t die, let go, heal, and move on. Your breakthrough and break out is here.
Whether you know it or not life must go on after betrayal. This is one truth Joseph knew that enabled him to go through the mill. He was sold to slavery, and tempted in Potiphar’s house, but he stood strong because he was aware of God’s eyes watching him and watching over him.
This is the time to arise and push yourself a little. Listen a little more, obey God a little more, pray a little more, and get out there to grind a little more with guts, grits, and gratitude. You will be fine!
Prophetic Prayer
- Thank God for grace and courage. Believe that as you lift your voice and pray, God is giving you the strength and wisdom to push forward.
- Pray for the strength and wisdom to grind with grits, grace, and gratitude. Receive the grace to remain steadfast even if the going gets tough. Remember you were built to last and not to crash!
- Pray and command every orchestra of darkness against you to fail and fall now! In the name of Jesus Christ! Receive grace!
Stay blessed