In Matthew 6, you find 5 habits enumerated and explained by our Lord Jesus Christ that will change your life and its outcomes forever;
- Give generously but in secret: Giving generously helps you to overcome greed.
- Pray consistently: Praying consistently helps you to overcome pride. The only reason, you don’t pray is pride. Mostly, it’s because you think you can make it on your own.
- Fast intermittently: Fasting helps you to gain mastery over your body and desires. Fasting helps you to overcome lust.
- Forgive all who trespass against you: Forgiving those who hurt you helps you to heal quickly from bitterness and you find forgiveness from God. Forgiving others qualifies you for God’s forgiveness too.
- Seek first the kingdom of God and His righteousness (right way of doing things) and commit to it: This helps you to live above human laws and the rat race. The whole world is running after things and comfort but these things are added to those who seek to please God.
Stay blessed