[Proverbs 26:2 KJV] “As the bird by wandering, as the swallow by flying, So the curse causeless shall not come.“
A curse is a prayer or wish or a desire to harm or maim another, usually by a spell or magical powers, or a spiritual agent. Curses are usually pronounced or projected to cause a bad omen to work against the object. People can be cursed, places can be cursed, and things can be cursed; it is important to note however that unless there is a cause, a curse shall not stand.
Secondly, if you do nothing about a curse, it may take effect. When Goliath cursed David with his gods, David responded and rebutted accordingly by declaring his faith in God.
Three (3) simple tips to break curses that have taken effect already are;
1. Acknowledge the truth and repent
The first step towards breaking curses is to deal with the roots of the curse. You must repent of the sins that predisposed you to the curse. Repentance is the fist step towards breaking the curse or being freed from the effects and results of curses.
2. Renounce and forsake
The second tip is to renounce and forsake the bases of the curse. If the curse took effect because you brought cursed objects home like Achan, then you must renounce and remove those objects from your home (See Joshua 7:1-20). Demons are attracted to sounds, smell, sights, symbols, and sacrifices. There is no way you can deal with lust and promiscuity when you fellowship with sexually explicit material.
Resist every demon by prayer and faith confession
When curses are pronounced, some demons take a hold of the wotds and try to reinforce it. They act as court bailiffs; they serve and try to execute judgements. You will be free of curses when you resist the devil in prayer and by faith confession.
I pray that you will be free from curses and any set back in your life in the name of Jesus Christ. May you rise and walk in the blessings of the Lord.
Stay blessed!