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I will be teaching on breaking the hold of scarcity over your generation of men and women.
[Hebrews 11:17-19 KJV] “By faith Abraham, when he was tried, offered up Isaac: and he that had received the promises offered up his only begotten son, Of whom it was said, That in Isaac shall thy seed be called: Accounting that God was able to raise him up, even from the dead; from whence also he received him in a figure”.
Many of us are still living in Scarce-City when we are supposed to be in the HighCity. We are still living in Scarce-City because we are holding on too tightly, selfishly, and faithlessly to the seed.
Many live and die and are buried poor because they lack the wisdom that makes a man abound.
Many years ago, a man met God and He made the man a promise saying, “I will make you fruitful, great and blessed..”, then years later God gave this man a seed to be sown later. 12 years later, God came to the man and said: “it is time to sow the seed” but this man died poor because he was unwilling to release the seed for sowing.
Remember, a seed will not yield until it has been sown and nurtured.
The man lived and died poor because he held on too tightly to the seed, but our father Abraham was not like that. By faith Abraham after waiting till 100 years and after 25years of waiting and 12years of playing with Isaac; when he was tried to release Isaac as a sacrifice, obeyed. He obeyed because he remembered the promise that in Isaac shall thine seed be called. The father of faith remembered the promise. He understood the promise. He knew Isaac was a seed source. He knew that except a corn of wheat falls into the ground and die, it abides alone.
Abraham remembered the promise that Isaac was the source of seeds. Abraham would have remained in the Scarce-City if he had been unwilling to release Isaac as a sacrifice.
In Genesis 22:1-19, we learn that Abraham was not just ready to offer Isaac, but to offer him where ever the Lord, his lord shall choose. Abraham was willing to offer Isaac as his worship to God wherever the Lord shall choose.
Some are living poor and may die poor and be buried as chicks because they cannot serve and worship God with anything of value. Many people throw chicken change at God and His servants. And that is why we are still living in Scarce-City even in the HighCity.
Every one of us who wants to move into the land where we will eat our bread without scarcity and embrace our abundance must do the following;
Grow to that place in our faith where we are willing to offer anything in worship with a ready mind whenever and wherever the Lord shall demand:
We must count Him faithful and able to raise the dead and multiply our seeds. I have not even suggested giving but even being willing to offer whatever the Master shall ask, wherever He wants it, leads to prosperity and favour.
Abraham was not just giving Isaac, he had come to worship. He came on a three day journey to worship; some of us think it is too much to travel for 30 minutes to church let alone to fly for 6 hours to attend a meeting; how can we travel for 3 days to worship and go with a mindset that, even if the Lord asks for my son, my only son, I am willing to offer him. Why will God not bless Abraham?
We must be ready to travel to attend worship as Abraham did:
He travelled for 3 days; how long have you come?
We must be ready to follow the leading of the Lord concerning sowing our seed:
One day I was raising an offering in a leader’s meeting to provide lunch. A young lady in the meeting wanted to sow seed but the Holy Spirit said: “don’t take the offering, I wanted you to know how much she loves you and the mission”. So I obeyed the Lord. When I decided not to take her seed, she also acted maturely and was not offended.
We must come with whatever we might need for the worship:
Come with your checkbooks, mobile money, debit cards, everything the Lord might need for the service.
Every one of us must graduate from just giving offerings and tithes to taking care of the needs of the church. How can you come to church and give an offering of 10 cents, when the cost of just your seat, lightening and airconditioning cost 1 dollar?
When we learn to have that mind set and willingness to give away with a ready mind whatever the Master will ask, wherever He wants it and whenever, we will atrract His favour and love. Our God is gracious:
He will always provide a lamb for the sacrifice:
When He finds in us a will heart and mind. The Lord is able to make all grace abound towards you.
He shall bless us with all blessing:
He is not a man to lie nor the son of man that He should repent. He will keep His word to us.
He shall multiply our seeds and our seeds shall possess the gates of our enemies:
Your offering will empower the things that come out of you to crush the enemy.
Deuteronomy 18 assures us of the blessing that drives out scarcity. The Lord will give you the power to make wealth as we remember and serve Him with your wealth. Jehovah shall bless and sustain you. You will not remain poor as you make up your mind not to hold on too tightly and faithlessly to the seed. Your seed is meant for sowing and as you sow, you shall reap.
Stay blessed; I love you!