I want to speak to you about 5 obsessions that will take many to hell. These things are not bad;...
"For if we believe that Jesus died and rose again, even so them also which sleep in Jesus will God...
The count down is getting lower every day. What then are the signs of the end of the world? The...
You must be ready when the trumpet shall sound, whether to face death or the second coming of Christ!
The very nature of the people and the days makes it dangerous. Those perilous times have come already, we are...
It takes mercy to be saved. You must keep yourself in the love of the Lord. Focus on loving and...
Pray about every little thing and still pray about every good thing. Don't leave your life, or anything in your...
The HighCity Church Charismatic Pentecostal church with branches in Ghana, and led by Rev Simpe Bediako. We are passionately involved in building church homes at a very fast pace.
Our mainstream engagement as a Church of Jesus Christ is to gather His lost sheep into properly organized sheepfolds (local churches) where every one of us would receive the right amount of nurturing until we come of age spiritually …
The Cathedral, Old Ashongman,
Ga East, Accra – Ghana
Tel: 027 862 2627; 027 424 4361
Email: highcityinfo@gmail.com
Seed for Today Daily Devotional is written by Rev. Noah Simpe Bediako Copyright © 2021 HighCity Church | Website is powered by HighCity Media, A Ministry of the HighCity Church, Ghana