May God endow us with wisdom like Daniel and Joseph to find workable scientific solutions to life’s challenging problems. Pray...
We want to spend today praying to overcome the power and influence of darkness. Pray that the Lord shall give...
You must learn to encourage yourself in the Lord daily as you keep fighting on and pressing on to higher...
One key mistake you can make in life is to miss your seasons and forget your times.
We speak now as oracles of God against every demonic altar erected to receive sacrifices and work against you.
Every sacrifice of service and ministry that we offer is recognized by heaven and rewarded in due season. God is...
You are a covenant child of God and everything will work together to your good. May the grace of God...
The HighCity Church Charismatic Pentecostal church with branches in Ghana, and led by Rev Simpe Bediako. We are passionately involved in building church homes at a very fast pace.
Our mainstream engagement as a Church of Jesus Christ is to gather His lost sheep into properly organized sheepfolds (local churches) where every one of us would receive the right amount of nurturing until we come of age spiritually …
The Cathedral, Old Ashongman,
Ga East, Accra – Ghana
Tel: 027 862 2627; 027 424 4361
Seed for Today Daily Devotional is written by Rev. Noah Simpe Bediako Copyright © 2021 HighCity Church | Website is powered by HighCity Media, A Ministry of the HighCity Church, Ghana