I write to exhort, equip, and edify you to get involved with church planting. I believe that church must continue and we must work and run with zeal to fulfil the divine mandate to go into the world and preach the gospel. This is the time and we cannot wait anymore. We must arise and begin to do the first works with our first love.
It is important that the church wakes up to win souls. At the end of the day, this is why we are here. We must awaken and run with zeal to fulfil the divine mandate to go into the world and preach the gospel. This is the time and we cannot wait any more.
I read somewhere that a dream that is written down becomes a goal; a goal that is broken into specific, measurable, attainable, realistic, and time-bound steps is a plan, and a plan that is worked on will produce results. I have no doubt that we are on the brink of getting results so no man should fear or be dismayed.
Our apostolic mandate of preaching the gospel around the world shall be fulfilled. Let us purpose, pray, plan, prepare, and step out to execute.
Remember, when the Holy Spirit called Barnabas and Saul to the work in Acts 13:1-6, the Bible tells us that they began to plant churches. They travelled and planted a network of churches. Acts 14:21-23 and Acts 15:41 reveal that the Apostle Paul understood that working for God means church planting. That is what he fully gave himself to. He travelled and preached and planted many churches. We can do no less, the church must arise and begin to penetrate the nations with churches and fellowships.
I love you!
Pastor Simpe