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If the Lord is your shepherd, you are in safe hands. Many years ago we read how God called Abraham to come out of his father’s home and family and country to a land he will show him the Bible tells us that Abraham went out in obedience not knowing where he was going. But merely because Abraham was believing and following God, he was in safe hands.
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Scripture Reading
Genesis 12:1–4 KJV
Now the Lord had said unto Abram, Get thee out of thy country, and from thy kindred, and from thy father’s house, unto a land that I will shew thee:
And I will make of thee a great nation, and I will bless thee, and make thy name great; and thou shalt be a blessing:
And I will bless them that bless thee, and curse him that curseth thee: and in thee shall all families of the earth be blessed.
So Abram departed, as the Lord had spoken unto him; and Lot went with him: and Abram was seventy and five years old when he departed out of Haran.
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Are you a follower of God? Are you walking in the path and direction He showed you? This morning, I am sent to exhort the followers of God. As we follow the leading of the Lord, He will bless those who bless you and cursed those who curse you.
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If the lord is your shepherd and guide, you are in safe hands; God is on your side to defend and keep you. There is no cause for alarm as we follow the Lord and He leads us. He will lead us to greener pastures and protect us. God will curse those who curse us, and bless those who bless us. You are in safe hands. We are protected from whatever the world throws at us or can throw at us.
Sometimes the devil roars and the heathen rages and the kings of the earth may rage but God has your back covered (See Psalm 2:1-4). The mighty hand of God can keep us safe. There is no cause for alarm at all, His mighty hand will keep us.
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So keep your head high and have faith in God because at His right hand there are pleasures for evermore (Psalm 16:11) Focus and fight on fiercely, for our ever present help is here to defend us.
God bless you and stay blessed; love you!
Comment…Amen thankyou Bishop for the word I will focus and fight fiercely because my ever present help will be there to help me.
He leads me in the path of righteousness, beside still waters… and restores my soul.
I know my back is covered as I faithfully follow the leadings of the Lord, in diverse ways.
I believe I walk in safety, abundance, dwell in the presence of the Lord and enjoy the pleasures He provides as I choose to yield to His leadings and promptings today In Jesus’name name.
Amen and Thank you Osofo. Because the Lord is my shepherd I’m in safe hands and I don’t fear what the devil will do. What a word to start the day with!!!! Love you Pastor!
God bless you Bishop. I remember you once encouraged me with this word. I should dare trust and follow the Lord and see how safe and prospered I will be. You used a string of scriptures including John 10: 9 and Ps 23.
I am convinced that the only way to find guidance, safety and prosperity is to follow God’s guidance. I will follow Him!!
Thanks for the enlightenment this morning. Following God is the secure way to have safety
Oh God be my Shepherd and my guide, for I know now that there is no curse in You and I know God is got my back so I will keep up my head up and straight. God lead me and I as obey bless me that I be a blessing to others.
The Lord is leading me to the Still Water’s
As the Prophet has declared so shall it be and I receive it in Jesus Name
God bless you Paapa
Glory to God
Comment…God bless u Bishop.
God is my guide so there is no cause for alarm. Though the oceans roar and the tempest rage, I’ll just follow His leading for He is there to keep me safe and defend me. Amen
Perfect word for the day. God bless you Bishop
Amen.God bless you Pastor
Secured cus God has my back….very powerful. I’ll not be moved following diligently. Amen
Amen! i am in safe hands because the lord is my shepherd. God bless you bishop, for such a word.
Comment…l fear no evil cos God protect and guide me. Rev. Thanks lot
Comment…God bless you Papa.
I wll make God my sheperd and obey Him.
I wll believe and follow Him.
And as i do this,i believe no demon can harm me.
I love you too Papa.
God bless you for this word
God bless you Emmanuel