Inspire and encourage the man in the mirror. The Lord never promised that going is going to be easy. There are times when the going gets tough but the tough must get going; and under such circumstances, the simplest thing you can do to get going is to encourage yourself in the Lord.
There was a time like that in the life of the king David, when everything in the life of David was not working: he was fired from the army of the Philistines, where he served with his men as mercenaries; the Amalekites burned his camp and carried away their wives and children; four hundred of the six hundred men that followed him got discouraged and even thought of stoning him to death. David was blamed for everything that went wrong that day, but the scriptures say and David encouraged himself in the Lord.
You must learn to encourage yourself in the Lord daily as you keep fighting on and pressing on to higher grounds.
Prayer Guide
- Pray that God will teach you to number your days, that you may apply your heart to wisdom. May the Lord give us understanding into times and seasons like the sons of Issachar! Pray for wisdom to redeem the time because the days are evil.
- Pray that God will give us grace to come out from among the heathen and be a people separated unto God and godliness. May you receive the grace to save yourself from this untoward generation. May you receive the grace!
- Pray that you may be connected with a church that both holds you accountable and reinforces you. Pray that you will not be unruly but be properly connected to church where you are fed spiritually and fed well.
- Pray for the grace and wisdom to beat the man in the mirror under. Pray for the grace to see the man in the mirror well and inspire him to action.