Fear not, you shall not die! Fear, we know, are false experiences appearing real. Fear is mental or emotional impressions that try to cause anxiety or panic. One of the debilitating types of fear is the fear of death.
Nothing cripples more than to be afraid that something you have seen or been through will kill you. I came to announce to you that God said you shall not die. What you have been through cannot kill you!
[Judges 6:22-24 KJV] “And when Gideon perceived that he was an angel of the Lord , Gideon said, Alas, O Lord God ! for because I have seen an angel of the Lord face to face. And the Lord said unto him, Peace be unto thee; fear not: thou shalt not die. Then Gideon built an altar there unto the Lord , and called it Jehovah–shalom: unto this day it is yet in Ophrah of the Abi–ezrites.”
The Bible tells us how a man called Gideon saw the face of God and was afraid that he will die. Sometimes, we think in the default; instead of thinking outside the box. But because you have been told that something kills does not mean that it will kill you.

You are a different kind of species. Learn to you lend your faith to this; a thousand shall fall on thy side and ten thousand on your right, but it will not come near you.
What you have been through may have killed others. The records may even be so but it shall not kill you. You will survive the storm. That sickness will not kill you. You shall not die. Do you know why? It is because;
- God has exempted you
- Christ has tasted death for you
- God is your peace
- There is a call on your life
1. God has exempted
We all know that God can do anything. He is the giver of life. When He says to one, “die”, he dies; when He says “live”, you live. God, by His sovereign will, has exempted every one of us from death, and premature death. You shall not die; you will live.
2. Christ has tasted death for you
The second reason why I know you cannot die now is that you believe in Jesus Christ. He said to Mary and Martha when Lazarus died that “I am the resurrection and the life; if any man believes in me, he shall not die. Even if he dies, he shall live again.” None will die before his time.
The Bible says that He tasted death that he might deliver those who through the fear of death were all their lives held captives. You will not fear, because you cannot die.
3. God is your peace
Remember, after God spared the life of Gideon, he builds an altar and called the place Jehovah Shalom. God has become our peace; He has broken down every wall. God is your peace, hence none will die before their time.
4. You can’t die because you have an assignment
Gideon was exempted from dying because there was an assignment hanging over his head. You also remain immortal till your assignment is fulfilled. You will not die, we have work to do.
Fear not, what killed others cannot kill you. What stopped others cannot stop you. You will live and not die.

Prayer points
Can you say this aloud with me
“I invoke the power in the name of Jesus Christ right now against any satanic power assigned against my life.”
Let us pray that any satanic power projected against any life will not stand. In the name of Jesus, every knee must bow. Death must bow! Poverty must bow!
“Anything presented in my body and soul and spirit that causes death is neutralised now! Death is swallowed up by the eternal life of God in me.”
“Right now! Any power projected against the growth of the church is breaking now”.
Let us pray that the church of God shall grow in leaps and bounds. Pray that God will increase us with men like a flock in Israel on a holy day. Pray now for the massive growth of the church.
“My God shall supply all my needs according to his riches in glory.”
Lift up your voice and pray that God will give us this day our daily bread. Pray that none shall lack among us. Pray that God shall give all our new converts enough supply for the seasons. Receive bread and be sustained by wheat and oil and milk. Pray for your daily bread.
“I am delivered and led by the spirit”.
Let us pray that the Lord will sharpen our senses and lead us by His Spirit. Pray that the revelation gifts shall be activated in your life and ministry. Pray that God will deliver you from temptations. You will be delivered from the operations of wickedness. You will be delivered from snares and traps now!
“Forgive and cleanse us from all unrighteousness”
Pray and tell the Lord to forgive and cleanse us from all unrighteousness. May the Lord purge away from us iniquity and contamination. Invoke the fire of God upon all cursed objects in your home. Any evil money that found its way into your purse and account, by which the wicked siphons money and favour is purged by fire and by blood.
“Take my life and let it be to your glory.”
Lift your voice and tell the Lord to use you. Pray that the Lord will make your days and moments count. Rebuke any spirit that wants to make you stagnant in life. God will use your life for His glory and His glory alone!
Begin to thank God for mercies and answered prayer.