[2 Chronicles 7:12-14 KJV] “And the Lord appeared to Solomon by night, and said unto him, I have heard thy prayer, and have chosen this place to myself for an house of sacrifice. [13] If I shut up heaven that there be no rain, or if I command the locusts to devour the land, or if I send pestilence among my people; [14] If my people, which are called by my name, shall humble themselves, and pray, and seek my face, and turn from their wicked ways; then will I hear from heaven, and will forgive their sin, and will heal their land”.
I want to exhort you today on how to invoke the help and hand of God in times of drought, locust invasion, or pestilence among a people. There are times when the times are just bad and not right; these are seasons of drought, locust invasion, or pestilence; these are the seasons when something is literally attacking you or your livelihood. What do you do when locusts are destroying your fields and diseases are killing and wasting people away? What did you do when the seasons are just not favourable? What can you do in the face of COVID-19? Is there a promise left for us? Is there any straw to hang on to?
The text above says something that many of us have not paid attention to the Lord started the text with three if’s; If I shut the heaven…., if I send locust…, and if I send pestilence…
Now the question is, what if the Lord did not send it? In any case, we understand that there are three key sources of trouble and calamity;
- The Lord
- The enemy
- Our own actions and inactions
Let us learn how to deal with calamity and pestilence one after the other.
To stay destruction, pestilence, and drought that comes through our own actions or inactions: we must simply remove the cause and begin to do what needs to be done; We must desist from doing what triggers the calamity. If you are falling sick because of what you’re eating or aren’t eating, then the common sense to heal the condition is to begin to eat what you must and stay away from what you must stay away from.

To break the devourer, drought or pestilence sent by the enemy, just plead the covering of the blood, invoke the power of the Holy Spirit, and take authority. This is the time for binding and loosing! We must deal with the enemy behind and change will begin. Don’t let the enemy hold you hostage and control you.
However, if the Lord sends drought, devourers or pestilence in the land, then it is time for the people called by His name to Humble themselves, Pray, Seek the face of the Lord and Turn from their wicked ways, and He shall hear from heaven and send His healing power to heal us and our lands. So, it takes Humility, Prayer, Seeking the face of the Lord, and Repentance to stay or reverse the wrath of God. I believe that this is the time to commit ourselves to the following keys;
1. Discover and Do the will of God:
One of the major reasons why many suffer drought, loss, and pestilence are the things they omit, commit, or both. Many people suffer affliction because they either do the wrong things or do not do the right things. The sins of omission and commission are the major causes of affliction. You must strive to discover and do what must be done and avoid what should be avoided.
2. Plead the blood to protect:
The blood of Jesus Christ is the blood of Passover lambs will protect you and your household from even the angel of death. We can protect our households against droughts, devourers, and pestilence by simply pleading the blood of Jesus Christ as a cover over our households.
3. Activate the anointing to withstand:
The Bible tells us in the book of Isaiah that “if the enemy shall come as a flood the spirit of the Lord will lift a standard against him”. The Holy Spirit is a standard-lifting Spirit, He will arise and face the enemy when activated. Acts 10:38 say the Lord anointed Jesus Christ of Nazareth and He went about doing good. The Holy Spirit is that Spirit that lifts a standard for us against the invading enemy.
4. Take authority and stand your grounds against the enemy:
The Bible teaches that whatsoever we shall bind on earth shall be bound in heaven, and whatsoever we shall loose on earth shall be loosed in heaven. You must stand your grounds and resist the enemy fiercely in the faith. Bind and loose!
5. Humble ourselves:
The Lord said, if the people called by His name shall humble themselves and pray, the more humble you are, the stronger you are in the face of spiritual warfare.
6. Pray and Seek the face of the Lord:
To escape drought, devourers and pestilence, we must pray and seek the face of the Lord. When we pray, He will hear from Heaven and heal our lands. Recieve that healing in the name of Jesus Christ!
7. Repent:
Repentance is the last mystery that will deliver and restore us. We must turn from our wicked ways if we want to be free. This is the word of the Lord, In fact, this is the master tips to deal with drought, devourers and pestilence.
These are the keys that release the help and the hand of God. You will not languish in pain and in loss; you will prosper and find restoration, Amen!
Be blessed, I love you!
Kofi Simpe