1. Plead the blood:
Plead the blood of Jesus for cleansing and renewal. Pray that the blood that defeated the first born of Egypt and broke the horn of Pharoah shall speak on your behalf right now! In the name of Jesus! (Prayer then Singing)
2. Evil altars:
Now begin to speak against any altar erected to fight the true worship of God in your life, in your family, in your community. Let it fall now! Now! In the name of Jesus Christ! Every altar! Fall!! (Prayer then singing)
3. Jezebel and Balaam spirit:
We pray now in the name of Jesus! Any strange personality representing Jezebel or Balaam that has entered the church is overpowered. We nullify their craft and operations. In the name of Jesus! We rebuke Jezebel! We rebuke Balaam! We take charge, now! (Prayer and singing)
4. Evil powers;
Now, we engage the weapons of war and command principalities and powers, and rulers of the darkness of this world, and spiritual wickedness in high places to lose their hold. We overpower them by the weapons of the spoken word. As we lift our voices and pray, we see them falling now! (Prayer and singing)
5. Agents of death:
Any agent of death assigned against my life and that of my loved ones are dying now! Any agent of death is dying now, in the name of Jesus Christ. I shall not die! I will live! I will declare the testimonies of God. Death is cast out now!(Prayer and singing)
6. Spirit stagnation:
In the name of Jesus Christ, I arrest every spirit of stagnation. I will not die in obscurity. I release fire and thunder, and brimstone against any spirits of stagnation projected against my life, my business, my family now! (Prayer and singing)
Now begin to take charge! Pray in the Holy Ghost and take charge now!
God bless you!
I love you;