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[Proverbs 4:23 KJV] “Keep thy heart with all diligence; for out of it are the issues of life”.
As we step into 2019, we must have the mindset and attitude that will help us to win as the Lord has prophesied.
It is important to know that there are four processes that take in the mind and heart of man that control his or her behaviour. They are; intentions, emotions, memories, and beliefs.
Your intentions comprises of your plans, dreams, and visions; and emotions includes feelings and complexes. You must guard your heart and mind against what memories you allow to stick longer. These memories and knowledge have a way of controlling your behaviour. The right beliefs will lead to the right actions; wrong beliefs will lead to the poor behaviours. You must be careful what intentions, emotions, memories, and beliefs you allow to fester in your mind and heart.
May the Lord help us to keep our hearts and minds with all diligence. What you allow into your heart and mind will control your behaviour. Guard your heart and mind.
Remember that the gateways to your spirit, soul, mind and heart are your senses; your eyes, ears, nose, tongue, and skin. These are the spiritual gates to your spirit man and soul. What you hear, see, smell, taste and feel has a way of controlling your attitudes and behaviour, beware!
I want to exhort you to guard your heart with all diligence, because out of it flows all issues of life. Your heart and mind controls your behaviour. Beware!
I love you!
Noah Simpe Bediako
I will guard my heart mind and thoughts with all diligence.so that my behaviour will reflect Jesus Christ .So help me Lord.Amen.