There are simple steps to the anointing. These are so simple that anyone can receive the anointing and walk in and with him. The simple steps to the anointing are:
Strive to know Him by simply striving to know Jesus Christ
The world according to the Lord cannot receive the Holy Spirit because they don’t know Him. That presupposes that you can only receive the Holy Spirit when you know Him. Spiritual things are spiritually discerned; and a carnal man cannot receive them, because they are foolishness to him.
If you don’t know the Holy Spirit, you will take spiritual men for drunks. When the devout men heard the church pray and speak in tongues about 2000 years ago, in AD 31, they mistook them for drunks until Peter and the eleven stood and explained it to them quoting Joel 2:28.
The first step to be anointed is to know the Holy Spirit. When you don’t know Him, you might even rebuke Him; remember spiritual things are spiritually discerned! I pray that the Holy Spirit shall reveal Himself to us daily, and teach us more about Him. We want to know Him! It is important to quickly say that the Holy Spirit hardly talks about Himself but he is “Allos parakletos”; He is another comfortable of the same kind as Christ. The more you get to know the Lord, the deeper you will understand things of the spirit.
Walk with and serve anointed men
Those who walk with and serve anointed men, get anointed too; this is because the Holy Spirit does not talk about Himself; He speaks of what He receives of Jesus Christ; so one way to know Him is to observe Him in operations in other people‘s lives.
Samuel learnt how to discern the voice of God by serving and fellowshipping with Eli the high priest. It was the Lord Jesus Christ that taught the apostles about the Holy Spirit; Ananias taught Apostle Paul about the Holy Spirit and prayer for him to receive him; Apostle Paul taught the believers everywhere about the Holy Spirit and prayed for them to receive (See Acts 19:1-13).
Ask the Father to send Him to you
One of the key steps to anointing, is to pray for the anointing. If even evil men know how to give good gifts to their children, then God, who is good, will much more give the Holy Spirit to those who ask Him. God will give the Holy Spirit to any of His children who ask him for His anointing.
We must ask in an atmosphere of expectation, the word, and fellowshipping. When you gather, ask; when you ask, wait; when He comes, yield! Some of us are in the gathering but we are not asking, some are asking but are impatient; others have all the patience but are unwilling to yield.
Acknowledge His presence and fellowship with Him
The early church acknowledged His presence. When the people questioned their behaviors, Peter and the eleven were quick to acknowledge that this is what Joel talked about. They were not confused. Unfortunately, many in the church today get confused when the Holy Spirit begins to move.
Surprisingly the first people to criticize the move of God and a revival are the people in church. More pastors are so critical of the move of God in other places until their ministry dies. We must acknowledge Him and have sweet fellowship with Him.
Teach others to expect the same anointing
The more we teach on Christ, the more we experience the manifestation of His anointing and grace. You must preach and teach the church to expect Him
These are the simple steps to the anointing. You can also be anointed and you can walk in great power. Beloved, if you miss the opportunity to be anointed, you will beg and scratch.
Stay blessed