I’m sharing on the theme “keep believing”, and I want to give you six simple things you can do to harness the full blessing of following the Lord.
[Acts 26:18 KJV] “To open their eyes, and to turn them from darkness to light, and from the power of Satan unto God, that they may receive forgiveness of sins, and inheritance among them which are sanctified by faith that is in me.”
You will not be like the many who fall by the way and never finish well. You will finish well and excel in your walk with God. You will be part of the people who win in life. You will excel and not fail.
If you shall turn from darkness to light; from the power of Satan to God, and put your faith in God, He will forgive your sins and give you an inheritance among those who are sanctified.
In this light, it is important to admit and confess that there is only one God, and one mediator between God and men; the man Christ Jesus. God wants to forgive and give you an inheritance among those who are sanctified by faith in Him.
So, the 6 simple steps to overcoming by faith are:
- Accept the Bible as the inspired writing that is necessary for instruction
- Seek for the anointing to do good
- Attend 3 conferences and conventions every year
- Pay your tithe every month
- Start your week in the presence of God on the first day
- Start your day with prayer
These are simple tips for living the life of faith and virtue.
2 Timothy 3:15-17 teaches that knowing the scriptures makes you wise unto salvation; and the word of God is given by the inspiration of Almighty God to thoroughly prepare a man of God for every good work. The Scriptures are the only inspired writings; any other book can at best be just a commentary.
Acts 10:38 teaches that you can do good when you are anointed. You must strive to be anointed with the Holy Ghost and power and you must begin to do good. You need the anointing to excel and to fulfill what is purposed for your life. We must strive for the anointing and move forward.
I have no doubt that it pays to attend camps, conventions, and conferences to build your faith. Let each of us strive to pay our tithes and start our week in the presence of God. When two or three are gathered in the name of God, He is there in their midst. You will do better when you start your day with prayer and your week in the presence of God.
I love you, stay blessed.