Revelation 2:12-13 KJV — And to the angel of the church in Pergamos write; These things saith he which hath the sharp sword with two edges; [13] I know thy works, and where thou dwellest, even where Satan’s seat is: and thou holdest fast my name, and hast not denied my faith, even in those days wherein Antipas was my faithful martyr, who was slain among you, where Satan dwelleth.
Every city consists of physical, social, and spiritual environments. These are what come together to define the city. There are elements in each of these dimensions that can either play together to determine how living in that city turns out.
Although the church lived in Pergamos, they were actually dwelling where Satan’s seat was. There are always spiritual forces that influence and control activities in your city. Let us spend time praying to influence the elements that can work against you. Sometimes, your struggles are influenced by spiritual factors that exist in the city.
The church in Pergamos was afflicted and challenged because they dwelt where the seat of satan was. Have you taken time to understand your own city? Do you know what influences the outcome of your efforts in that city?
- I pray that you will be empowered to subdue every contrary influence in your city! May you escape the wiles and fiery darts that are hurled at you daily! Receive grace to navigate the challenge that confronts believers in your city.
- Pray that God will demolish and render ineffective all altars erect in the city to receive satanic and demonic sacrifices. Remember how a young prophet was sent to Bethel to speak against the altar. There are altars in cities that stir demonic and satanic influence.
- Prayer that the gates of that city shall speak favourably concerning your life. There are gates in every city that regulate traffic both into and out. There are always gate keepers at the gates; I pray that God will grant that the city where you dwell shall give you access to international and regional influence and favour.
- Pray that the nature of the city shall not work against you. Pray for wisdom to navigate the city where you dwell. Every city has a nature, and there is wisdom there. In Egypt, the people farmed by irrigation but in the promised land, the land drinks of the water from heaven. In the promised land, they had to trust God for rain. Pray for the wisdom that works in your city!
I pray that this day shall begin the days of prospering and advancing in your city. May the Lord lift and set you among the great and mighty in your city. May you rule in the midst of the years!
Stay blessed