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“And that servant, which knew his Lord’s will, and prepared not himself, neither did according to his will, shall be beaten with many stripes.”(Luke 12:47 KJV)
Nothing is extraodinary in itself; it’s the extraordinary effort of men that makes anything extraordinary.
Even an ordinary gift can make extraordinary impact if men are ready to work on it. An ordinary church can become the envy of her contemporaries, if the stewards are willing and ready to put in extraordinary effort. I can say this without doubt. When men invest extraordinary input into anything they do, they stand a chance of greater results and profit.
I call upon you to prepare yourself and your tools in an extraordinary way. I heard how Arnold Swazneggar tells of how he worked out 5 hours a day for years to win a world title are age 20. Nothing just happens; it takes effort to get going. This is the time to start preparing for your big day. Horses are prepared against the day of battle but victory comes from the Lord.
It’s time to arise and to get ready. Your big day of showing is coming and you must be ready for that day. You must be ready when the stage is set for you to defeat your Goliath. We learn of how David, as a young lad, rose to stardom and prominence when he fought and defeated Goliath. David was prepared for the challenge because he had been preparing far ahead of time.
How about you? Are you getting ready for that big day? Are you willing to work out and get set for that day. Every servant who knows his master’s will must prepare himself for it. Do we know our Master’s will? And are we prepared for it? Are we ready for that big day and task. I exhort you to prepare yourself and your tools. Get ready to deliver your best when duty calls. No one fails because they prepared.
Stay blessed; I love you!
Today’s Prayer
Dear Father,
I am trusting You with the outcome of my life as I prepare myself for Your will. Help me to be focussed and to strive lawfully for mastery. Deliver me from complacency and laziness, and help me to get ready for my big break through in Jesus‘ name.