Proverbs 13:12 KJV — Hope deferred maketh the heart sick: But when the desire cometh, it is a tree of life.
We live in a day and time when men are lovers of themselves more than lovers of God, lovers of pleasure more than lovers of God, and lovers of money. Many people are controlled by passions, pleasure, and money. Some are truce breakers and will not keep their word.
In one breath, you mean everything to them, and sooner than later, you mean absolutely nothing at all. The last days are here upon us! Many are deceiving and are being deceived.
Let him, that is being deceived, not believe in vanity; people who make fleeting promises, don’t fulfil them. If you want to save your heart from disappointment and keep it safe:
- Have zero expectations of others: Woe is he that put his trust in a man. Let people be. Don’t expect anything from any person. Hope deffered makes the heart sick. Let us learn to look up to God for support and supply. Let us trust in His goodness and mercy. God is not a man that He should lie, nor the son of man that He should repent. Learn to look to the hills for help and not to men.
- Take full responsibility for your life: Life they say is what you make it. No man can make you fail or succeed. Take charge! Take responsibility! Don’t leave your life to chance. You have what it takes to do what you were charged to do, take responsibility!
- Make godly choices and be happy with what you have: Godliness with contentment is great gain. Be happy with what you have. A bird in hand is better than a thousand in the forest. Learn to be happy with what you have; stop chasing the wind. Remember that our lives don’t consist of the abundance of things we have.
Remember, hope deffered makes the heart sick. Save your heart from breaking and becoming numb. Keep your expectations in the Lord. Men come and go but God will never forsake nor leave us. You will not fail as long as you are walking with the Lord in the light of His word.
Stay blessed