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“For though we walk in the flesh, we do not war after the flesh:” (2 Corinthians 10:3 KJV)
Demonic and satanic operation is real and we cannot joke about. We have learnt that though we walk in the flesh we do not war after the flesh; it is important therefore that you;
- Don’t look at things superficially anymore: Most things mean more than they appear. The Gibeonites pretended to come from far; the devil was in the serpent that spoke to Eve. We must understand that things are not always what they appear to be.
- Get to know the truth: The scriptures say that you shall know the truth and the truth shall set you free. What you know liberates you.
- Pray: Pray because certain things do not go except by prayer and fasting. Prayer releases God to act. Pray without ceasing.
- Believe: Prayer without faith will not deliver. Faith is a master key. Faith augments prayer. Faith commits God to act. When we trust Him, He acts.
- Work: faith without works is dead. Faith comes alive when men do what men must do. If you are really serious about overcoming satanic powers, then work.
You cannot fail nor be defeated as you respect teachers. You know and learn more by receiving knowledge.
God bless you, Bishop. I see that Satan always love to move unnoticed. I have always asked what to do after knowing that devils are responsible for such and such. But today’s message has really settled that mind bothering question. I strive to know the truth, pray, believe, and work. So simple and victory is mine I am blessed