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From Acts 2:40-47, we learn that every revival will be sustained by how we live, how we minister, and by our giving. Our lifestyle, ministry, and offerings have a lot of impact on the sustainance of the revival.
The following keys will help you to live, serve, and give for maximum impact;
1. First of all give yourself as a living sacrifice, holy and acceptable unto God:
Until you give yourself wholly as a living sacrifice unto the Lord, you cannot live, give, and serve to sustain the revival.
2. Prepare and do business with diligence:
The second key to maximum impact is to prepare and do business with diligence. Don’t be slothful in business. Be up and doing. Don’t procrastinate. Do what you have to do, the way it needs to be done.
3. Be fervent in spirit:
May the Lord give us a fervent spirit. May you be sharp in the Spirit. Recieve a touch of power.
4. Do all things as serving the Lord:
If you do things for any other reason other than service to God, you will soon get discouraged. Let God be the reason for our rejoicing and celebration. Let us serve the Lord and we will not regret.
5. Rejoice in hope as you plough:
No price is too high for your dream. You can rejoice even when the harvest is lean, because we know that God will never let us labour in vain.
6. Be patient in tribulation:
“Blessed is the man who is patient in tribulation, for when he is tried, he shall recieve the crown of life which God has prepared for them that love him” [James 1:12].
7. Be instant in prayer:
Pray in all things. Let us pray without ceasing. Prayer works and can work better when it is unceasing.
Be blessed, I love you!