3 Things that Make You do Well
You must give attendance to Reading, Exhortation, and Doctrine. These are three key things that improves us beyond our imagination.
You must give attendance to Reading, Exhortation, and Doctrine. These are three key things that improves us beyond our imagination.
Anything you do not subdue and dominate will come through and hurt you. Anything you do not reproduce and replenish ...
The Lord shall keep and sustain you. Nothing shall stop you. You can win at anything. God will be your ...
Until our faith and fire make a positive impact on the blocks of culture around us, we are failing in ...
Face the unknown and the horrible with the full assurance of faith that God is with you to preserve you.
Three important curses that you must break in the mind and heart if you want to advance in life
You must see something that will spur you on. A truly anointed person will always discuss dreams and visions and ...
The HighCity Church Charismatic Pentecostal church with branches in Ghana, and led by Rev Simpe Bediako. We are passionately involved in building church homes at a very fast pace.
Our mainstream engagement as a Church of Jesus Christ is to gather His lost sheep into properly organized sheepfolds (local churches) where every one of us would receive the right amount of nurturing until we come of age spiritually …
The Cathedral, Old Ashongman,
Ga East, Accra – Ghana
Tel: 027 862 2627; 027 424 4361
Email: highcityinfo@gmail.com
Seed for Today Daily Devotional is written by Rev. Noah Simpe Bediako Copyright © 2021 HighCity Church | Website is powered by HighCity Media, A Ministry of the HighCity Church, Ghana