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[Matthew 14:23 KJV] “And when he had sent the multitudes away, he went up into a mountain apart to pray: and when the evening was come, he was there alone”.
One of the major secrets behind the power of Christ Jesus is the power of praying alone. This is the second reference to praying alone in the gospel. In Mark 1:35, we infer that the Lord used to pray early in the morning before His day begins, and in this text we can infer that the Lord prayed after the services also. Our Lord Jesus Christ spent hour upon hours in prayer and His public display of power is an evidence of prayer in secret.
I believe in the power of praying alone inasmuch as I believe in the power of corporate prayers. In the private closet of prayer, we are relaxed and more intimate with divinity. We are more sincere in prayer when we are alone with the Master. The Lord is near when you take time off to be with Him, to speak with Him and to listen to His reassuring voice. This is the moment and time when the church must revive the practice of praying alone.
Enough of the social media and chat apps nonesense. This is the time when the church must arise to prayer to escape the snare of surfieting and anxiety that has come upon the earth. May the Lord find us in the mountains, parks, woods and sea-sides praying one more time. This is the season of glory and power. May we never miss out opportunity! May heaven release into our spirits the power to pray and drive through life in prayer.
You will never regret praying and spending time alone with God. I see you stepping into the moment of glory and dominion and power! You will never be stranded in the wilderness of life.
You will rule in public when you travail in private.
The issues of life will not drown you. You will dominate and rule. Recieve power! May you never miss your season!
Our Lord Jesus Christ spent time alone and came out walking on the sea in the midst of a storm. You will not drown! You cannot drown when you spend precious minutes with the Lord. You will be touched with power and you will have the touch of power!
Be blessed, I love you!