1 John 3:8 KJV — He that committeth sin is of the devil; for the devil sinneth from the beginning. For this purpose the Son of God was manifested, that he might destroy the works of the devil.
Life purpose is a set of goals and aspirations that gives your life a meaning. This helps you to;
- Align your actions with your core values
- Discover what drives and makes you feel alive and fulfilled
- Give your life a sense of direction and meaning
Purpose is not the same as vision, or activity, occupation, or career; purpose is the aim for your life; especially what you think your life should mean? The general purpose for life is to have dominion in the midst of God’s creation. To represent Christ where you play, live, and work. One died for all that those who live should live for Him.
It’s important to state that every man on earth was created for a purpose and you can discover the meaning of your life, the purpose to live for by simply following any paths that leads to discovering your SHAPE.
- Personality type (temperaments): Your personality type, who you are? The highest self you can develop largely shows what the purpose of life is? In this context, purpose is what will give your life the great meaning! Are you an introvert or extrovert? Are you a choleric, melancholic, sanguine, or phlegmatic? These personality types reveal what you may be cut out for.
- Passion: The second thing that suggests your life purpose is what you love to do and how it solves a need in the world — What are the things that you care about?.
- Abilities and talents: What are you good at and how can that be transformed into a service or product that others will be willing to pay for — What things do you have a natural flair for?
- Skills and experiences: What have you learnt and been through that can solve a challenge for the common good of man — Raw talent is a lead to purpose but acquired skills is the real deal.
- Spirituality and religion: Your faith, beliefs and spirituality can help you step into your good given purpose by revelation or divine calling. A few discover their purpose by a divine revelation.
- Who do you admire, who inspires you? The people that inspire you could indicate what you aspire to be. There is a way God draws you to people that lift your spirit. Mary inspired Elizabeth much as John was inspired by Jesus even in the womb. What inspires you could be an indicator of what you are created and called to be
Stay blessed and may the Lord reveal His will to you. May you walk in the newness of purpose. Receive grace!
Prophetic prayers
- Pray that God will show you His ways that you may walk in it. As you lift your voice and pray, may you find the way and will of God for your life!
- Pray that today will make the beginning of a clear vision towards your calling and the will of God for your life.
- Receive the grace and strength to walk and complete the path that leads to destiny!