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The Bible reveals that a man is transformed by the renewing of the mind. Once your mind gets renewed, you get transformed. Three things that can transform you significantly is your vision, your values, and vim. In other words, what you see, what you treasure and how you run in life can significantly impact your life.
[Romans 12:2 KJV] “And be not conformed to this world: but be ye transformed by the renewing of your mind, that ye may prove what is that good, and acceptable, and perfect, will of God“.
The difference between yesterday and today is how you saw things. One of the biggest curses in life is not seeing and not perceiving. Many destinies get destroyed because the eyes see but do not perceive the reality. Where there is no vision, the people perish.
What you value will determine where your loyalty will go. Values are so important. The main thing that distinguishes the quality of men is their values. Many young people make poor choices because they have poor values or no values at all. To avoid mistakes that can cost you your destiny, you must determine what is important to you early enough in life.
Finally, vim is contagious and essential. You must push through life with grit, vim, zeal, tenacity, and fortitude.
It is important for each of us to develop these three things for effectiveness and efficiency. You can make it when you streamline your vision, values, and vim.
Stay blessed; I love you!
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Help me oh God to develop my vision, value and vim.
Thank you Bishop for opening my eyes to these three keys.
I’m blessed and my life will never be the same again.
I won’t make poor choices so I can avoid mistakes that can cost me my destiny.
God bless you bishop .
I pray not to make poor choices so I will a avoid mistakes that can cost me my destiny.
God bless you bishop.
The 3V’s worth learning.
Thank you Bishop
wow….meaning yesterday and today could be same or different depending on how i see it. This is deep. Father help me to see right and to treasure thr right things, so i can run rightly to impact my life.
I am blessed, Bishop God richly bless you and increase you mightly for greater impact
As i have come to the knowledge of this truth oh God! renew my mind to see right, treasure the right things and also run right in Jesus name amen.
God bless you Bishop.
My social justice work is informed by the thinking of theologians like this pastor. I live in the Empire of Trump’s USA and realizing
that the fascism and climate concerns not being properly addressed today are the principalities at work and any effective social justice must Inc this.