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We serve the living God, the Creator of the heavens and the earth. He made all things. The earth is His, and the fullness thereof. We serve the living God who made all things. He is our God, and we shall not be afraid. We shall not be shaken.
[Psalms 42:2 KJV] “My soul thirsteth for God, for the living God: when shall I come and appear before God?”
We serve the living God who calls the things that be not as though they were. He speaks of our present with the future tense and looks at us with the sense of what we can be and not what we are. He found Gideon threshing wheat by the winepress and called him a mighty man of valour. He found David tending his father‘s sheep and called him “My King, the man after My heart“. He found Jacob in the howling wilderness and called him “My son”. He found Moses keeping the sheep of Jethro and called him “a God unto Pharoah”.
This kind God we serve is indeed the living God. He calls the things that be not as though they were and transforms them into what He has called them. I don’t know what men and life have been calling you, but I know that God has a better name for you. God has a better plan for you and He will make all things new. He is our God and we serve the living and faithful God. You shall not be shaken, God will prove Himself strong, wise and faithful on your behalf in Jesus‘ name!
Therefore, our souls and hearts must thirst for Him. Let us long to appear before Him, desiring to fellowship in His presence. Our God is mighty to save, good to all, and faithful to those who trust in Him. Be blessed.
I love you!