[John 4:34 KJV] “Jesus saith unto them, My meat is to do the will of him that sent me, and to finish his work”.
There are so many people who truly desire to serve the Lord but are confused as to what it means to serve the Lord. Many of the time we are just exhorted to serve the Lord; often our exhorters don’t take time to teach us what it means to serve the Lord.
To serve the Lord is to;
1. Do the will of God:
The will of God is that all men shall be saved and come to the knowledge of the the truth. The Bible tells us this truth in 2 Timothy 2:1-8; this is the will of God. Therefore , any series of actions that leads to the saving of men and bringing them to the knowledge of the truth is service to God. To serve the Lord is to engage in series of activities which lead to the salvation of men and bringing them to the knowledge of the truth; the truth about God, life, faith, dominion, fruitfulness and all that pertains to godliness.
2. Finish His work:
The work of God is to sow, reap, and gather unto life eternal. The real work involved in working for God includes preaching the gospel, winning souls, and establishing them in the faith or the kingdom.
We must purpose, pray, plan, pull resources, publicise, obtain permit, and step out to preach. The good news must be preached and the truth must be told.
We must look for meeting places, witness, set up meetings, invite and follow up many, and hold meetings to inspire and consolidate the faith of many.
This is the will and work of God. This is what it means to serve the Lord. If you work in a hospital with the sole aim of bringing people to the knowledge of the truth and for the salvation of their souls, then you are serving the Lord. This is the time and season to work and serve the Lord. Let us be decided and quit ourselves as men to serve the Lord in the coming days.
Be blessed, I love you;
Noah Simpe Bediako
Praise the Lord!!
I shall commit myself to get involved in activities that lead to the preaching of the Gospel, the wining of souls, and establish them in the faith or in their kingdom of God. God bless you, Bishop