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[1 Corinthians 12:1-2 KJV] “Now concerning spiritual gifts, brethren, I would not have you ignorant. [2] Ye know that ye were Gentiles, carried away unto these dumb idols, even as ye were led”.
You need to understand spiritual gifts, because without such understanding, you will be tempted to return to dumb idols. The Bible tells us clearly that there are spiritual gifts, and we should not be ignorant of them. We must learn and have knowledge of the Gifts of the spirit, you know why? It is because we will be tempted to go back to dumb idols when we are ignorant of the spiritual gifts available in the church. The Lord wants us to have knowledge of spiritual gifts so that we can escape the temptation of returning to dumb idols.
Untill a man or woman has gained in-depth understanding into spiritual spiritual things, that person is likely to be trapped with dumb idols. Magic can be very attractive of you are not enlightened about the power of God. Apostle Paul therefore did not leave us ignorant, but enlightened us on spiritual gifts.
He taught in the text that in understanding spiritual gifts, there are four things you must know;
1. There are diversities of gifts but by the same Spirit:
There is one Holy Spirit but there are diverse kinds of gifts. The gifts are very different, hence the need not to get stereotyped. My gift may not look like anything you have seen but it is also a gift of the Spirit.
2. There are differences of administrations governed by the same Lord:
It is important to state that every manifestation takes place under an administration or structure of organization, but it is the same Lord. The same Jesus is the one administering the grace in the Anglican Church, and in the HighCity Church; the organization may not be the same but healing in a Presbyterian Church is the same healing in the HighCity Church.
There are diversities of operations but by the same God.
3. The operations are by the same God but not the same:
Honestly, there are always differences in the number of people required to make a gift sharp. One prophet may need a minstrel, another may not.
4. The manifestations of the spirit is given to every man to profit for the mutual benefit of all:
However the manifestation of the spirit is give to all for mutual benefit.
[1 Corinthians 12:4-7 KJV] “Now there are diversities of gifts, but the same Spirit. [5] And there are differences of administrations, but the same Lord. [6] And there are diversities of operations, but it is the same God which worketh all in all. [7] But the manifestation of the Spirit is given to every man to profit withal“.
God wants to save us from returning to dumb idol as though dumb idols are anything. He want us to know and comprehend the depth of His power, the exceeding greatness of His power towards us. May you experience sharp spiritual gifts from today, Amen! Be blessed!
I love you;