“He openeth also their ear to discipline, and commandeth that they return from iniquity. If they obey and serve him, they shall spend their days in prosperity, and their years in pleasures. But if they obey not, they shall perish by the sword, and they shall die without knowledge.” (Job 36:10-12 KJV)
This text teaches us two simple secrets to spend your days in prosperity and your years in pleasures. The story of Job teaches us that it’s the Lord that establishes kings and make them last forever; but if for some reason they are brought low and bound with the cords of affliction; God speaks and teaches them self-control and repentance.
The Bible says “if you would listen to him intelligently and work patiently to carry out his instructions, you will spend their days in prosperity and years in pleasures.”
This is the simple but great mystery to prosperity and pleasure. To listen intelligently and work hard to carry out the instruction. It is not the hearer that is blessed but the doer. We must be doers. You must strive to do the Word if you want to be blessed. The Spirit says “if they obey and serve me, then shall they prosper and spend their years in pleasure.”
You will prosper and be blessed. You will not fail. As you listen to the voice of the Spirit, you will recieve wisdom to function. The Lord is mighty in wisdom. You shall recieve might and wisdom for living.
I pray for you that from today you will listen intelligently and do as you hear. You will spend your days in prosperity. You will be happy as you obey and serve God. You will spend your days in prosperity and your years in pleasure. Nothing shall be able to keep you down when you obey and serve the Lord.
Listen, it is God who sets kings on thrones, your keys to prosperity and pleasure is to listen intelligently and work assiduously to carry out the instructions.
Thanks bishop God bless you for this powerful message.I will spend my days prosperous.Amen
Glory be to God! I am blessed to receive this message. I will listen to the voice of the spirit and work assiduously to carry out his instructions. So help me God!
God bless you bishop!
We love you more!