No man is self-sufficient! Even though I believe that you were created with all that you need to prosper within you, there are people that God brings your way to help to bring out the best in you.
Sometimes, every one of us needs someone. You may not always need me, and I may not always need you, but there are times when we need each other.
There are times when we get overwhelmed with life by the matters that arise; indeed when that time comes, there is one place we can look towards and that is to the hills.
The Psalm says
[Psalms 121:1 KJV] “I will lift up mine eyes unto the hills, from whence cometh my help”.
(Reference reading: Psalm 121)
Oh! Yea! Your help comes from above. Our help comes from the Lord. He is the Lord that keeps us. He will not suffer our foot to be moved. He will not allow the sun to smite us by day nor the moon by night. He that keeps us neither sleeps nor slumber.
It is, however, important to inform you that God often sends helpers from the mountains when you lift your eyes to the Hills.
There are four main Helpers that He sends, but I will speak about five:
- Angels
- The Holy Spirit
- Pastors and shepherds
- Helpers in Christ
- The elements of nature
1. Angels:
In Numbers 20:16-18, we learn that when Israel in their distress cried out to God; he sent an angel to deliver them.
Angels are God’s agents and messengers and servants that he sends to execute his will. These are spirits that are sent to minister to the heirs of salvation.
One of the foremost helps you should expect when you lift your eyes to the hills are angels.
May the Lord send angels to help you in the name of Jesus Christ!
2. The Holy Spirit:
The Bible also reveals that the Holy Spirit is our helper. He is given to help our infirmities or weakness.
In Romans 8:26, we understand that the Holy Spirit helps our infirmities. May the Lord activate the presence of the Holy Spirit in your life to help your infirmities!
3. Pastors and Shepherds;
2 Corinthians 1:24 teaches that pastors and shepherds are the helpers of our joy. They do not have dominion over our faith but are helpers of our joy.
Your pastor cannot control and follow you everywhere. Your ability to submit and listen to him is key to your finding joy. I pray that you can submit and listen.
4. Helpers in Christ:
The fourth set of helpers that the Lord may send from the hills are helpers in Christ, like Priscilla, Aquilla, Urbane, and Stachy.
In Romans 16: 3, 9, apostle Paul mentions these people as their helpers in Christ. They risked their lives for them. They risk their neck for them.
These helpers in Jesus Christ are those in your corner. They can tell you the truth and stand with you no matter what.
These are people who may put their lives on hold just to see the purpose of God fulfilled in you. These are real Gems to be honoured and treasured.
5. The elements of Nature:
Finally, when you lift your eyes to the Hills the Lord can use any of the elements of nature to help you. He may use the winds to blow quails to feed you (Moses and Israel).
He may command a raven to feed you (Elijah). He may move your donkey to hit your leg against a wall to save you from an angel that is ready to strike (Balaam).
God can use anything at all to help. He can use a spider and its web to preserve your life (David). May the Lord command the elements of nature to work to your advantage!
God is indeed our helper. He is faithful and able and we know that the sun can not smite us by day nor the moon by night. Receive help in Jesus’s name!
Prayer for Help
Pray that the name of Jesus shall shield you from the stormy blasts of life
Pray and abort every evil agenda against you and the leadership of the church.
Pray and release anyone bound by sickness or demonic forces
Pray for a fresh outpouring and in-filling of the Holy Spirit. Pray for the release of power.
Pray that the Lord shall send timely help from His mountain. Help must come from the Hill as we look to the Hills
Stay blessed; I love you!