[Ephesians 6:2-3 KJV] “Honour thy father and mother; which is the first commandment with promise; that it may be well with thee, and thou mayest live long on the earth.”
I want to exhort you to go home and honour your mother. On this mothering Sunday, I want to encourage everyone of you to go home and honour your mother. Today is at least a day we can choose to remember and honour our mothers.
Honouring your mother is one of the important secrets to prosperity and long life. The scriptures are clear on this one. The Bible says the commandment to honour your mother is “the only commandment with a promise”.
Remember that to honour your own mother and father is a commandment and not a suggestion. It is commandment that we must keep. You cannot do otherwise. We must keep the commandment.
There are many ways to honour your mother; but on a day like this the least you can do is
1. Place a call to her:
You can pick you your phone and call mum. Call the old girl and let her know how thankful you are that she gave you the opportunity to live. Your call on a day like this will mean so much to her.
2. Send her a gift that is specialto her.
The second way to honour the old girl is to buy her a gift. You know her better, send her a gift she will love. It need not be expensive but it must be special.
3. If it is not too late, invite her to lunch or dinner;
You can prepare mum her favorite meal for lunch or dinner. There is a way food can inspire her soul to bless you. You can order her the best meal she enjoys.
4. Surprise her with a visit;
Visiting mum on a day like this won’t be a bad idea at all. She will remember it. Sometimes, old age can be lonely; planning a visit will not be a bad idea at all. Consider it.

5. Say a prayer for Mum
Praying with your mother today after sharing chilled fruit juice won’t be a bad idea at all. Let us say a little prayer for our mothers. These are little things that can make a great difference.
I have no doubt that these few ideas will help in honouring your mother on a day like this.
Stay blessed
Simpe Bediako