Five things that would try to stop you from reigning are:
- Household wickedness
- Gates
- Poor human resource and connection
- Horns
- Slothfulness
When God told Joseph he would rule; the enemy that fought him were his brothers and not outsiders:
It was his brothers who sold him to slavery. When David was anointed to be king, the people that fought him were his brothers and the house of Saul. Your familiar friends are the main classes of people that will fight you from reigning. Most often than not wickedness from your household is the worst thing you will confront.

The second thing that will try to fight you are gates:
Sometimes, the gates to the city or the gates of access shut in your face. The psalmist commanded the gates to be lifted and give access. He said “lift up ye gates that the king of glory will enter” and the gates asked ” “who is the king of glory?” Most people are unable to reign because of the gates of access to the corridors of power. I speak over you that the gates will open by been lifted up for your sake and in your favour, Amen!
Sometimes, the gates of access are open but the child of God is shut up in prison. I pray that the same God who delivered Paul and Silas and Peter from prison shall shake your prison gates open in the name of Jesus!
The next gates that must open, are the gates of ideas, creativity and strategy. When Joseph stood before the Pharaoh, the gates of insight and ideas needed to be open unto him. May the gates of creativity and wisdom be opened unto you as was opened unto Aholibab. You will never lack ideas in the name of Jesus Christ!
The third things that will try to stop you are lack of human resources:
The Bible says all Israel came to make David King. I decree that anything binding the people who must crown you king should be loosed. I speak to nations to gather at thy rising in the name of Jesus Christ!

The fourth thing is horns:
There are satanic powers that try to scatter everyone that tries to lift his head in Judah. Every family, generation, and society have horns. Certain things try to scatter and destroy anyone who tries to lift their heads.
Finally thing I want to teach about is laziness:
The Bible teaches that the hand of the diligent shall bear rule. The diligent rules and the lazy continue to pay tribute. If you want to rule, then you must be ready to be diligent.
I pray that you shall be empowered to reign in life.
Stay blessed
Simpe Bediako