[2 Corinthians 2:10-11 KJV] “To whom ye forgive any thing, I forgive also: for if I forgave any thing, to whom I forgave it, for your sakes forgave I it in the person of Christ; lest Satan should get an advantage of us: for we are not ignorant of his devices.“
One of the major cause of defeat in the face of devils is our ignorance of the devils’ devices. Let us study 5 devices of demons:
Demons thrive on your ignorance:
What you don’t know will keep you in shackles. When the serpent engaged Eve, he won because, he found out that she was ignorant. For lack of knowledge, God’s people are destroyed.
Demons thrive on your cravings and needs:
The devil will always try to find out what you need and crave for to trap you. The devil saw that Eve had a craving to eat something that was pleasant to eyes and could make one wise. The devil will most often start from what you craving for. Beware of what you lust after or crave for.
Demons thrive on your fears:
They manipulate you based on your fear. When you fear death, the devil will capitalise on that to manipulate and lure you. He will promise you security in things that will eventually destroy you.
Demons always thrive on your un-yieldness to God.
When he finds out that you have rebelled against God, he comes in to offer solace and comfort in things that do not satisfy.
Demons thrive on the room you make for them.
The Bible admonishes you not to make room for the devil. When you make room, the devil comes in. That is why the Bible tells us to put on Christ and make no room for the devil. One of the key ways we make room for the devil is through unforgiveness, then bitterness, and iniquity.
Beware and stay blessed