[1 Corinthians 3:6 KJV] “I have planted, Apollos watered; but God gave the increase“.
If you really want to plant a micro-church, there are five things you need;
1. Place:
A place of meeting for the service; this is an important part of the planting and growth of the church. We have learned that a church is a gathering of people to sacrifice and show forth the praises of God. The meeting place must be accessible, affordable, functional, neat, safe and branded.
2. Equipment:
To be in concert with modern trends, it is important to acquire certain fundamental equipments for the running of the service or meeting. A powered amplifier, speakers, microphones, chairs, and a piano keyboard are quite fundamental for a micro-church.
3. People:
We need a team that is positive, prayerful, faithful, formidable, and sociable. We need these brethren to help us in the building of the body of Christ.
4. Money:
We need money to pay the bills and to run the mission.
5. Energy:
A powerful spirit in a battle wearied body can not function.
It is my prayer that you shall not fail. I pray that you shall be able to plant at least a church and shepherd them. May the Lord give you grace. You shall not and can’t fail.
Be blessed
Noah Simpe Bediako