From the study of the life of the first few humans that lived on earth in about the first 1000 years of human existence, we can tell of five to six things that destroy families;
- Mothers who get deceived or beguiled by subtle beasts and friends. The truth is, the mother is the first book each of us reads and the last to be shelved. Whatever I see my mother doing tends to form my beliefs and choices. Eve was beguiled by the subtle serpent and this led to the corruption of the whole human race (See 2 Corinthians 11:1-3; 1 Timothy 2:11-15)
- Fathers who listen to the ill counsel of their wives against the commandments of God. Family members who refuse to take responsibility for their sins and failure. These are people who are always shifting blame. The main thing that worked against Adam was the fact that he covered his sins (See Job 31:33)
- The next thing that destroys families is mediocrity and pride. When Adam and Eve sinned; they became naked. Instead of acknowledging that they have lost the glory of God that clothed them, they rather sewed fig leaves and covered themselves. They pretended like they can help themselves even if God won’t help them.
- Cain’s life reveals the next set of family problems; the next thing that destroys families are
- The next things that bring curse and destroy families are sons who despise fathers and light light to their nakedness; sons who mock fathers (See Genesis 9:22, Genesis 10:6)
- Sisters who sleep with strange personalities and give birth to the children of strange people. The sons of God slept with the beautiful daughters of Eve.
Let us beware and stay blessed