[Ezekiel 37:1-3 KJV] “The hand of the Lord was upon me, and carried me out in the spirit of the Lord , and set me down in the midst of the valley which was full of bones, And caused me to pass by them round about: and, behold, there were very many in the open valley; and, lo, they were very dry. And he said unto me, Son of man, can these bones live? And I answered, O Lord God , thou knowest”.
We are all leaders in some regards or capacity. We all lead teams and groups in one way or the other. Whether at work or at home or in the community or at church, we all lead in a way. What do you do when the team feels beaten down and broken and hurt? How do you raise confident and bold children? What are the simple steps to reviving and lifting the moral of a team that feels beaten down.
There are times when we are carried so low in the Spirit that even our hearts break because of the devastation we find around us. The prophet Ezekiel was carried in the Spirit to settle in a valley of dry bones, and the extent of hopelessness was so overwhelming that he could not see the possibility of restoration. There are times when you are so surrounded by death that you wonder whether life shall be restored again but there is a God, our God who can turn all things around.
When you find yourself in a valley full of dry bones;
Get down to the focal point of the action and assess the situation thoroughly:
The prophet assessed the situation thoroughly and gave a report. He did not lie about it; he assess the situation thoroughly. You must get an assessment of the situation thoroughly and make your notes, get a report. You must personally interact with the team members if you really want to lift their morale.
Speak the word of God over them and to them:
Tell them what God has said He will do. Preach the word of God and prophesy over them. Don’t let their feeling of hopelessness overwhelm you. As a leader, you must see from the God perspective and speak from the divine perspective.
Inspire with your words, prophesy! Encourage your team to see vision, reach heights, overcome obstacles, and press towards the mark.
Command the four winds of the earth to fill them:
Speak to the four winds of the earth to fill them. It is not enough to speak motivational words to a team. You must desire an infilling of the anointing. You must pray that God would fill the team with His Holy Spirit.
You may do all you can but might not be able to revive your dismayed team, unless they are touched and filled with the Holy Ghost. The Holy Ghost is the reviving Spirit and we must allow Him to do His work. No man can thoroughly kindle and revive a discouraged team except by the Holy Ghost. May the good Lord begin His work in us to revive and rekindle our spirits! Amen.
Stay blessed; I love you.
Noah Simpe Bediako