We came into this year beliveing God for double and double is possible. We can double on every side and increase within the next few days and weeks. But increase and expansion does not happen in a vacuum. Double is possible but it only comes through the following;
Earnest desire:
We will double when we have a deep and honest desire for increase and growth. Growth comes through desire. Our deep hunger for increase will inspire us to give off our best to it. Profit comes from labour; increase comes through intelligent labour. We therefore need an earnest desire to be able to continue in labour.
Healthy culture:
Acts 2:40- 47 teaches that the Lord added to the early church daily, because they had a healthy church culture; a culture of sharing their faith with all those they met and interacted with. They had a culture of baptism, being added, continuing steadfastly in doctrine and fellowship, prayer, breaking of bread; they had a culture of walking in the fear of the Lord, serving, giving. The early church had a culture of gladdness (mminshe3) and focus and contentment. A healthy personal and organisational culture brings growth.
A Christ connection:
John 15 says “if you abide in me and my word abide in you, then you will be fruitful”. Increase comes through being connected with the Lord. We must be engrafted to enjoy the roots and fatness (See Romans 11:17). We must be connected and stay connected to double.
1 Corinthians 3:6-9 teaches that increase comes through teamwork. Paul planted, Appollos watered; they were a team. In fact, it takes teamwork to make the dream work. The Bible says “two are better than one, they have a better reward for their labour”. Indeed, “one shall chase a thousand, but two shall put ten thousand to flight”. Your attitude towards a team is important to your success on that team.
Double comes through partnership with divinity. Paul planted, Appollos watered but God gave the increase. They were in partnership with God. They respected that partnership and acknowledged it.
Systems and structures:
Acts 6:1-10 reveals how putting in place systems and structures will lead to more and greater growth. When the early church introduced structures and system by appointing deacons who worked hard, the church began to increase and explode!
I pray that in the coming days, the grace of God will be available for double. I pray that our labour of love will yield fruits! I pray that as we step out and preach the gospel to the people around us, we shall see increase! If you become desperate, you will not increase. Just flow with the systems and work diligently.
Be blessed, I love you
Noah Simpe Bediako
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