This piece of scripture teaches five simple truths that must guide all of us if we really want to make the most out of life;
1. Once there is life, there is hope:
The Bible says a living dog is better than a dead lion. Your ‘hopeless and useless’ father who is alive is still better than a mighty honorable father who is dead. I can tell you for a fact. Let is pray for life and not for wealth, because so long as we have life we have hope.
2. What matters most is how you wine and dine, clothe and perfume, and how you live with your spouse:
The scriptures exhorts us to wine and dine joyfully and with a merry heart. Clothe with white and groom with fragrance; live joyfully with your wife if you happen to be married; and work with all of your might. Indeed, what matters is not what business your hands have found, but how you it. You must work with might.
3. Make the most out of life by being swift, strong, and wise; Get understanding, be skillful, and be instant in and out of season:
Indeed, “the race is not to the swift, nor the battle to the strong, nor bread to the wise, nor riches to men of understanding, nor favour to men of skill; it is time and chance that happens to them all”. You may be swift, but you are not the swiftest person on earth; you may be strong, but you are not the only strong person on earth; you may be wise, but others are wiser; you may be a man of understanding but others also have understanding; you may be skillful, but others also have skill.
The real determinants of success is time and chance. This is why you must be instant in season and out of season. If you really want to succeed and make the most out of life, then always remember this truth.
Finally, remember;
4. Wisdom is better than strength:
“But a poor man’s wisdom is despised and his words are not heard”. I pray that the Lord shall give each of us power to make wealth. None shall beg or eat crumbs. Receive the power to make wealth in the name of Jesus Christ.
5. Wisdom is better than the weapons of war:
“But one sinner destroys much good”. I pray that you shall love holiness, and strive to be holy. Receive help from the Holy Ghost to be holy. You shall not be the sinner among us; you shall not be the Achan to bring cursed booty into our Camp. The Lord will guide your choices and you shall be the source of joy and strength to your family and generation, Amen!
I pray for you that as you prosper and rise, you shall not despise any man. Others may not be like you but remember, it is only the grace of God that has helped you. It is only God who can help us. We are no better than those who failed.
You shall make the most out of every situation of your life. You shall excel in the name of Jesus Christ, Amen!
Stay blessed, I love you;
Noah Simpe Bediako