I want to exhort you today on the need to see well. What you see will inform how you think and behave. Your vision will impact your disposition and attitude.
What you see will fuel or sap energy from your faith. What you see can inspire a lot of hope or drain you of hope. Vision is important.
[Genesis 15:5 KJV] “And he brought him forth abroad, and said, Look now toward heaven, and tell the stars, if thou be able to number them: and he said unto him, So shall thy seed be”.
What we see at the end of the tunnel. What you see and anticipate at the end has a way of inspiring hope and focus. Listen, five people may be looking at the same thing; five people may photograph the same thing but end up with different pictures.
This is because we see different things even when we are looking at the same thing. We all focus on different things. In Optics, what you focus your gaze on is important.
When the devil took our Lord Jesus Christ to the pinnacle and showed him the view of the world; the devil thought, he was showing Him the kingdoms and the glories of the world, but our Lord saw a helpless and dying world. What are you seeing? A dying world that needs help or a marketplace to enrich yourself.
One day, I sent someone to go and represent me at a meeting. I gave the person clear instructions but when the person got there, instead of seeing it as an opportunity to do something for God, he rather saw it as an occasion to make money.
When the Lord took the three apostles to the mount of transfiguration, whereas he was preparing them to go to the ends of the world, they were thinking about building tents and stay on the mount. Many of us are not progressing because we always see the wrong things.
What are you seeing? Make sure you see well. Don’t allow anything to impair your vision. Buy eye salves and anoint your eyes that you may see well.
Stay blessed