[Nehemiah 2:19-20 KJV] “But when Sanballat the Horonite, and Tobiah the servant, the Ammonite, and Geshem the Arabian, heard it, they laughed us to scorn, and despised us, and said, What is this thing that ye do? will ye rebel against the king?”
“Then answered I them, and said unto them, The God of heaven, he will prosper us; therefore we his servants will arise and build: but ye have no portion, nor right, nor memorial, in Jerusalem.”
1. I believe the greatest secret to survival, sufficiency, success, and significance is to get deeply involved in kingdom business:
Each of us must aspire to get involved in something far bigger than us. This is the secret that took Nehemiah from being a slave to becoming a leader.
Nehemiah was not born a prince; he was not elected; he was not chosen; neither did he come to power by couple d’etat; Nehemiah became the leader of the nation through proactive action. He had a passion and zeal for the people and nation of God; this passion is what led him to walk on the red carpets of life. As we do the work of the kingdom, the God of heaven will prosper us.
[Matthew 6:33 KJV] “But seek ye first the kingdom of God, and his righteousness; and all these things shall be added unto you.”
2. Put your hands to the plough! Join a chariot:
Witness to someone; pray for someone; lead someone to Jesus. This is that season of our lives! Get involved in the work of missions. There was a time when we received, now it is our time to give! We have to start with prayer, partner to reach out, and groom as people who confess faith and godliness. These are the starting points. Prayer, partnership, and personal groom.
[1 Timothy 2:1-2, 8-10 KJV] “I exhort therefore, that, first of all, supplications, prayers, intercessions, and giving of thanks, be made for all men; for kings, and for all that are in authority; that we may lead a quiet and peaceable life in all godliness and honesty. I will therefore that men pray every where, lifting up holy hands, without wrath and doubting.”
“In like manner also, that women adorn themselves in modest apparel, with shamefacedness and sobriety; not with broided hair, or gold, or pearls, or costly array; but (which becometh women professing godliness) with good works.”
3. Be ready for some resistance and opposition:
Be ready to deal with some reproach and mockery. Be ready for some labelling and name-calling. People will try to say all sorts of things to discourage you but build your faith and passion forward with passion and wisdom. The stakes are high and the kingdom of darkness will stir their agents to fight you. Don’t get frustrated, just stand, put up a fight, and withstand. Sanballat and Tobiah stood against the work but Nehemiah strengthened the men and kept pushing. Keep grinding, it will pay off.
4. Be faithful to the end, because there is a greater and eternal rewards for those who overcome:
It is also important to remember that he that is faithful in that which is little shall be trusted with much. As the Lord prospers us, it is required of us to be faithful with the prosperity. Many backslide and change when God begins to prosper them. We must learn to be faithful with unholy money.
Stay blessed!