I want to speak to you today about the need to aspire to prophesy.
[1 Corinthians 14:1, 5 KJV] “Follow after charity, and desire spiritual gifts, but rather that ye may prophesy. [5] I would that ye all spake with tongues, but rather that ye prophesied: for greater is he that prophesieth than he that speaketh with tongues, except he interpret, that the church may receive edifying”.
It is important to understand that many are walking around battered and hopeless in this dark and insensitive world. The truth remains that your inspired words may be the only source of comfort, edification, and exhortation to the battered and hopeless soul.
It is important to also note that prophecy will reveal the hearts of many unbelievers and get them to believe. When unbelievers come in to our fellowship, they are more empowered to believe when they hear us prophesy.
Indeed, by prophecy we teach others something and get the church prepared for war or action.
There is, therefore, every need to aspire to prophesy. The scriptures admonish us to “Follow love, desire spiritual gifts but above all, that you may prophesy”. This is one of the best ways to fill this dark and battered world with hope, faith and comfort.
Honestly, everyone of us can and must aspire to speak by inspiration for the increase and building of the body. Everyone of us can prophesy and that should be our aspiration. That should be our quest. Each one of us must aspire and desire to prophesy; The simple steps to prophesy are:
1. Cultivate an honest desire to prophesy:
2. Train your spirit to hear from God through prayer, quiet times, and listening other prophets:
Through quiet times, praying in tongues, and listening to other prophets, your spirit synchronizes with the Spirit of God. Your spirit man gets tuned to the voice of God and recognizes the voice of God when He speaks.
3. Spending time with other prophets:
Elisha became a prophet by serving Elijah; the sons of the prophets became prophets by staying under prophets. Saul prophesied when he met the company of the prophets.
4. Stay in the atmosphere of anointed music; singing, drumming, ministrations:
Micaiah requested for the singing and playing of a minstrel. Saul began to prophesy when he met the prophets singing, dancing and drumming, and prophesying. Where and how you spend your time matters more.
We should all strive to prophesy. Begin by speaking positively based on the word of God, then progress to speak of things you are fully persuaded of, things that accord with godliness. And soon, you will begin to hear the audible voice of God.
I pray that we shall all aspire to prophesy and to speak as oracles of God into our own lives and that of others.
Stay blessed; I love you!