[1 Corinthians 15:58 KJV] “Therefore, my beloved brethren, be ye stedfast, unmoveable, always abounding in the work of the Lord, forasmuch as ye know that your labour is not in vain in the Lord”.
I want to speak to you today on the need to be steadfast — especially in walking with and doing the work of the Lord — for the simple reason that your labour in the Lord shall not be in vain. Many of the times, you invest so much effort and energy into futile activities, but what matters is investing the most precious time of your life into your walk and works of the Lord. Walking and working with the Lord has many benefits it brings. In fact, the Lord cannot forget your labour of love. Whatever you do for the Lord will never be in vain. The Lord is a rewarder, He will reward you for your labour and work.
According to the English dictionary, to be steadfast is to be resolutely or dutifully firm and unwavering.
Honestly, a man who wavers should not think he can receive anything from God. We must be faith-filled and stable in our convictions if we can receive anything from God. I pray that you shall not allow the present storms and torrent of life to discourage you. I pray that you shall stand firm and stand tall. I pray that you will not allow the devil to sway you off your feet! It is my heart desire that you shall be unwavering and dutifully stable. May you not be shaken neither in your mind or faith. Be steadfast!
It is possible to be unmoved and yet shaken. I pray that you will neither be shaken nor movable! You will not be shaken in your conviction, rather, you shall be steadfast and always abound in the work of the Lord!

The simple hints that will help you to be steadfast are to remember that;
God is for you:
The Lord is for you and never against you. The Lord is for you and no one can be against you. He shall fight all of your battle with you and on your side. I have seen the hand of Lord defending me in many things and I can say without doubt that He will be for you.
Call not a conspiracy what they call a conspiracy:
Often, we panic and are shaken when we see the enemies gather and set battles in array against us, but I want to assure you that when they gather together, it shall not stand because the Lord has not sanctioned it. Unless the Lord has called for that meeting, their gathering will end in futility.
The Spirit of God will lift up a standard against every enemy;
Praise the Lord! The enemy may come, the storm may rise but the Spirit of the Lord shall lift up a standard against him.
Be steadfast, I love you!
Kofi Simpe