[Job 14:14 KJV] “If a man die, shall he live again? all the days of my appointed time will I wait, till my change come”.
In the very dark days of our father, Job, he said a few things that are profound. One of such profound things is to keep believing even when you don’t see anything. Your soul may have drawn near to the grave just like Job, but you can keep believing even if you see nothing.
Job said, “even though it is true that when a man dies all his hopes and aspirations may be dashed and finish, I believe that there is a set time for when my change will come”. I don’t know when and how, but I will patiently wait until that church is birthed. True, I feel and I wish God would hide me in the grave, because of the pain, or even bury me alive until He is ready to change my situation.
I don’t know what you are believing God for but keep believing even if you don’t see anything. When a hen sits on her eggs, she does not see the chicks developing but she keeps sitting on the eggs hoping, believing, and trusting that her chicks are growing. That is how miracles, healings, and breakthroughs are formed. You may not see all the processes taking place but they are forming.
Simeon and Anna never saw Mary when she was pregnant, but they both waited and prayed for years, hoping and trusting and believing to see the birth of the Messiah. That is how life is, you may not see God preparing the people and the breaks you need, but He is definitely working behind the scenes.
Ruth did not know that God is preparing Boaz for her, yet she kept serving Naomi faithfully, and eventually, she got married to Boaz. In the same way, God is working on your case behind the scenes. He is preparing all the necessary breaks and helps, and healings that we will need.
The Bible teaches that Abraham and Sarah hoped even against hope until they finally embraced Isaac and the descendants which followed. You may not see God working but if you keep believing, His best time will come and things will change for the better. Things may look like a dead case, but I know that you shall see the goodness of the Lord.
All I want you to do is;
- Ascend your tower and watch to see in prayer
- Write what you see on the walls and table in a language that inspires action
- Read and run with your word daily
Never lose hope because of what you saw in others because your turn go come!
Noah Simpe Bediako
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Surely, my time go come.
I pray that as I wait for that appointed time I will be fully equipped to fit into the time and opportunity.
Thank you Bishop for this eye opining word.
I’m blessed.