I believe one of the ways to escape being stressed, fatigued and worn out is to do whatever you do as Jesus would have done it if He was here today. Inasmuch as I agree that times have changed and the context in which the Bible was written have changed; I don’t think it is too difficult to understand the Scriptures and apply them to life in the modern-day context.
We can study and apply the life of Jesus on earth to two contexts;
- The context of people under 30 and
- The context of people over 30 years
We can see and understand that Jesus before His ordination manifested a simple lifestyle;
- Jesus knew and focussed on the will and purpose of God for His life. He knew and focussed on the need to be about the Father’s business. He “sought the kingdom and the righteousness of God, and all other things were added to Him” (Matthew 6:33)
- Jesus condescended to men of low estate. Jesus did not live there while the people of His days were here. He went down with His earthly parents. He went down; He didn’t look down on them.
- Jesus was subject to His parents when He was below 30 and before His ordination. After 30, when He was ordained, He was subject to God’s will and purpose for His life. He said in a place that “I have come to do Your will.” After 30, our Lord Jesus was subject to the will of God for His life and not necessarily that of His parents.
- Jesus focussed on growing in the right area for impact. Before His ordination, our Master was committed to growing in the Spirit, in wisdom and stature, and favour (grace) with God and men. I believe that every young believer should focus on growing in grace and knowledge. We should strive to grow in the Spirit.
- Below 30 years, Jesus had a custom to attend services and to read the Scriptures. You must have a custom of continuing steadfastly in the doctrine and fellowship where you are planted.
After He was baptised and ordained by John the Baptist, our Lord Jesus spent His time mainly doing seven things;
- Praying alone in the mountains
- Casting vision
- Grooming and preparing His team for ministry and missions
- Planning and travelling to places to preach, teach, and heal the sick and all that are oppressed by devils. Jesus cared for the people.
- Attending events He was invited to with His disciples.
- Delegating others to do subsidiary things. He sent His disciples too.
- Making time to rest and take vacations
Can we do it like Jesus? Can we? This is the only way to make it without stress and fatigue. His yoke is lighter. Those who learn from Him have things easy.
Stay blessed